It is very easy to know fake seller or scams on Ebay. First, look at their feedback. If the seller got less than 1000 positives feedback just avoid them. There were a lot of sellers who have more than 2000 positives feedback on Ebay, the more feedback they have, the more reputable they're. And the more you can trust them. Also less percentages that you'll be scam by them. Why? Because you need to be curious of some sellers with a hundred or two positives feedback; how did they get those feedback?
I have an ebook which I bought from an Asian Ebay 'Guru' that teach new sellers how to make their listed items sold faster. The 'Guru' said,"The most important thing to sell your item fast is to have a lot of positives feedback"
So how did they get it? Most of these Ebay scams have very nice plan that work perfect. First they come as a buyer. They buy everything that costs less than $0.30 cents. Ebooks, autographs, poems and anything else that was very annoying. They just have to invest less than $50 to get 200 positives feedback as a buyer. Second days, they create their new seller account and sell these ebooks & etc back. A week later they start selling softwares like Windows 7 and fake cell phones with 'out of mind' prices.
Let us calculate if in a week they sold 100 pieces of Windows 7 Ultimate that costs only $35 for $120 per pieces, hmm.. A month? Big money isn't it?
Thursday, 9 June 2011
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Watch out for email spoofing. These spoofs are emails that appear to come from eBay, but are intended to invade your privacy or infect your computer with a virus.
Be wary of bid siphoning from users who send emails trying to sell similar items to bidders at a cheaper price.
Watch for bid shielding, which occurs when two bidders work together to get the lower bidder's price accepted. The higher bidder will remove his bid at the last second.
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